Does anyone have the classic Lani nudes?

Does anyone have the classic Lani nudes? #1PkGuzvq


LazerTron OP Used to be Weissenbach, buy she got married. She was whoring herself out to a married teacher and he was dumb enoughto post nudes of them together
Swirlybird789 Yikes, I did not realize that she was his student and was under age at the time…wtf
LazerTron OP She was 18 when the photos were taken
[smazáno] I read that The original non-nude photos were posted in a "should not share" format from her own dad's account, and then /b/ managed to do its thing and find the rest. And to swirlybird789, she wasn't even the first student that Brad did this with...
Wilkerman I haven’t seen these
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