JMac and Tony were out and about looking for chicks and food. Whichever came first and lucky for us

 JMac and Tony were out and about looking for chicks and food. Whichever came first and lucky for us #xprlEXbb
 JMac and Tony were out and about looking for chicks and food. Whichever came first and lucky for us #j6XQGiha
 JMac and Tony were out and about looking for chicks and food. Whichever came first and lucky for us #e0Ktx1Jx
 JMac and Tony were out and about looking for chicks and food. Whichever came first and lucky for us #Vk0l54xG
 JMac and Tony were out and about looking for chicks and food. Whichever came first and lucky for us #jKtYAMnd
 JMac and Tony were out and about looking for chicks and food. Whichever came first and lucky for us #dKDA3x2W
 JMac and Tony were out and about looking for chicks and food. Whichever came first and lucky for us #iObx9ayD
 JMac and Tony were out and about looking for chicks and food. Whichever came first and lucky for us #MrhKjoJA

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