Smash Or Pass ?

Smash Or Pass ? #NNvA0MZU


IH4TEYOU6 pass shes chopped
Yyrakk do she got booty? cus she just looks old lmao
WiggleTheseNuts smash for sure!
preetyboy9 Depends if she is cool, she's not hot enough to be too damn annoying.
Kartas She cant last a minute against the black machines😊🥳🤗
paulie8480 I'm not picky. smash
2Clicks1Boom OP I appreciate you fellas chiming in. I asked cause she'll be making her debut at the Gloryhole veddy soon.
FV1s Whats her name?
2Clicks1Boom OP FV1s I have no idea.
SneakyStroke87 Boa y’all know y’all would crash out. I’d go. Lbvs.
Thebigorr Oh shit its piper
Ackryte Easy smash.
zeroentityx with a ring on her finger, both
Tharandomhero Easy smash
Poopypantsdaddy Definitely smash.
Mooks420 She looks like she can suck a mean one. Smash
Nanener267 She looks great, can't wait for this to drop. The hotwives are always good cause they're there voluntarily and not for drug money lol.
Daylyte Smash. Wedding ring makes her extra slutty and puts her over the top for me.
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