Shae played a tennis match with the Hunter, and she lost. They bet on the game, and now she had to

 Shae played a tennis match with the Hunter, and she lost. They bet on the game, and now she had to #VtUiXLPp
 Shae played a tennis match with the Hunter, and she lost. They bet on the game, and now she had to #UhRlhTm2
 Shae played a tennis match with the Hunter, and she lost. They bet on the game, and now she had to #Jvxkln7u
 Shae played a tennis match with the Hunter, and she lost. They bet on the game, and now she had to #hkorop3I
 Shae played a tennis match with the Hunter, and she lost. They bet on the game, and now she had to #F6Yva5v9
 Shae played a tennis match with the Hunter, and she lost. They bet on the game, and now she had to #D0wb4PRh
 Shae played a tennis match with the Hunter, and she lost. They bet on the game, and now she had to #Wdb9Qn04
 Shae played a tennis match with the Hunter, and she lost. They bet on the game, and now she had to #Vfg6cs8g
 Shae played a tennis match with the Hunter, and she lost. They bet on the game, and now she had to #oVAzDWXt
 Shae played a tennis match with the Hunter, and she lost. They bet on the game, and now she had to #stV0SSyC

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