I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try

I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #rGZ6rqzY
I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #NrbdX5xv
I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #6h3HzLuT
I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #aqhvRLSn
I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #stYwWgkK
I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #H8U0STcG
I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #qwcxqU7t
I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #qwKfM1zT
I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #ihxmX9Q3
I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #GO3lleDZ
I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #gWmTpbV2
I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #fJOm4z1w
I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #0hqDBsoy
I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #aHzlCwqk
I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #9sh4pcRp
I successfully flipped the connoisseur's house for the Smoths in mind on my very first try #n6MOxaDs


FoxMcCloud2kxx OP #1 Before (Outside) #2 Before (Hallway) #3 Before (Former home office) #4 Before (Bedroom) #5 Before (Bathroom) #6 Before (Former living room) #7 Before (Kitchen) #8 After (Outside) #9 After (Hallway) #10 After (Former home office turned children's bedroom) #11 After (Bedroom) #12 After (Bathroom) #13 After (Former living room turned family room with coffee station) #14 The coffee station in question #15 After (Kitchen) #16 The result of the negotiation; the Smoths' only complaint is that there isn't enough bathrooms
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